-Due to the fact that SMSP
Co. is still in the design and developement stage, I have
no kits to offer. Erik is, However, working on designs
for Epp fun fly/ combat slopers (as well as other
things). There is lots for my future customers to look
forward to, so check back here again to see new product
developements. For now I have some pages with some
information on Erik's Nuance HLG and other things. -Erik
is also in the design and developement stage of making a
Biplane-type Foam Slope Comabt/Fun Fly airplane. He is
currently working on the prototype. Expect to hear news
of this developement soon in the News
-Erik is now in the process of making a competitive HLG.
Check the link called 'Nuance HLG' for more information.
Nuance HLG
Foam Combat/Fun Fly
Tator Cannon