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SuperModel Sailplanes

The Supermodel Sailplanes website is a site dedicated to documenting the adventure and porjects Erik Alber has experienced and completed. Working out of his garage in Washington State, USA, Erik has built many Radio Controlled sailplanes (or gliders) and is now working on his own desings. Erik is an active members of the Portland Area Sailplane Society (a.k.a. PASS). He participates in the many conests orginized by PASS and encourages you to ask him about this highly active club. I am currently working on all types of sailplanes. Please check back soon for more developments.

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Haven't found what you're looking for? Use the Search Engine to find what you want. Hopefully, I will have what you are looking for soon. Also, you can E-Mail Erik with your suggestions.

Don't worry, only joking

Our usual Buisiness Hours as defined by Rob, Erik's friend and fellow flier.

Please Send Erik (th Web Builder and head designer) your Questions and Comments to: Wedge975@aol.com (Erik) I will try to respound as soon as possible.

Erik At The Klickatat Slope Site

The last time Erik got around to updating this site (between flyin' and school work) was December 1st, 2000.

Can you see what's wrong with the picture above? E-mail Erik with your answer! If you get it right he just might send you a free, never before seen on the web picture of some cool flyin'!

Copyright © 1999-2000 SuperModel Sailplanes Co. All rights reserved Applies to all pages.